I relate one of my childhood memories with a sheepish smile: When I was about 7 years old somehow I became concerned that I would be stranded alone on a deserted island. I loved my life, my room, my books, my school. My overwhelming fear was that I’d not be able to replicate, on the island, the quality of life that I enjoyed. So I became determined to master ALL areas of expertise so that I could single-handedly recreate civilization!
When we launched BookEnds, I realized that I had landed on that island. But with age had come some wisdom, and I now understand that civilization requires the collective intelligence and actions of all humanity. BookEnds serves as both a microcosm of civilization as well as a testimonial to the best of our civilization. Born from a dream of an 8 year-old boy, BookEnds is a community of people who, through a million small acts, transform that dream into our impact of today.
As we launch our new website I am again reminded of what we can do together and cannot do alone. As you read through our site and learn about our simple and effective program, I urge you to challenge yourself to find your place in BookEnds. I look forward to hearing from you with your thoughts, ideas and interests. rkeefe@bookends.org
President and Founder
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